Saturday, January 28, 2006


Denies CIA detainees delivered to Morocco's DST

Two private CIA aircraft landed in Salé, near Rabat, late December and early January to deliver to Morocco new suspected terrorists, Moroccan weekly Journal Hebdomadaire published."We categorically deny this groundless information," Minister of Interior el-Mostapha Sahel, expressing his indignation over “this kind of irresponsible information that intends to trigger trouble."
See Morocco Times
The report said the planes' "deliveries" to Morocco were then transferred to a detention centre run by the Moroccan security agency, known by its French acronym DST, in Temara, just outside the capital.
See CNEWS plus manifesto plus data

Thursday, January 26, 2006


CIA centers closed and detainees sent to Africa

In a section on a possible camp in Romania, Dick Marty's interim report says that all sites mentioned had been examined by a non-government human rights group and "their conclusions do not seem to provide any evidence of such centres."
ABC television says, in the U.S, that the Polish prison and another in Romania had subsequently been closed and transferred to North Africa.
See BBC plus Village Voice on U.S. in Sahel and Washington Times on USCG in the Gulf of Guinea plus chaos plus found plus gulag plus stan

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


US CIA Detention Centers "absurd" - Ukraine

Ukraine denied the existence of secret prisons run by the U.S. CIA Agency on Ukrainian soil. "The very raising of that issue is absurd," a spokesman told reporters.
See Pravda

Checks carried out in Bulgaria proved that no secret CIA jails have been operating here, Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin said. See SNA

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


CIA rendition - blind eye to U.S. activities

CIA rendition flights that fly in Canadian space or land at Canadian airports are doing so with Ottawa's permission. The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service and Prime Minister would have approved the use of Canadian airspace, but kept other government agencies in the dark.
"That's clearly what has happened in Italy, where the local law enforcement and prosecutors are indicting CIA officials and it is fairly clear that somebody in Italian intelligence must have known what was going on."
see Toronto Star plus worms plus terror plus are you sure
Swiss senator Dick Marty: European states had turned a blind eye to U.S. activities on European soil. See Reuters

Sunday, January 15, 2006


U.S. detention centers:"no such thing" - Romania

"So far no one has found any kind of evidence proving the existence of such prisons in Kogalniceanu or in any other military base. There is no such thing," The Romanian Defense Ministry has denied information published by the Zurich-based weekly SonntagsBlick saying the Mihail Kogalniceanu base was used for interrogating terror suspects.
Swiss intelligence intercepted a fax alleging that the Egyptian Embassy in London had determined through its own sources that the United States had detained 23 terror suspects in Romania.
The fax said there were similar U.S. detention centers in Ukraine, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.
See Bucharest plus proof plus Romania plus CIA Camps plus under fire plus messenger plus rendition

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Council of Europe says Search CIA planes

The Council of Europe said that CIA jets travelling through Irish airports should be searched by gardai to ensure that prisoners are not being carried.
The Taoiseach's office has refused to release any information it has about the CIA's 'extraordinary rendition' flights, on the grounds that to do so may compromise the security, defence or international relations of the state.
See Sunday Business Post
In a written statement, Jack Straw, foreign secretary, disclosed that the UK had refused a US request in 1998 to refuel a flight carrying detainees en route to the US.
See The Herald plus Swiss plus military plus claim

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Joint Special Operations Command

From records compiled by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and other public sources, 65 aircraft that appear to be owned, leased or operated by the CIA or the Joint Special Operations Command, an interagency unit that organizes counterterror operations in conjunction with the CIA and military special forces.

Those planes, which come in all shapes and sizes, are used for a variety of tasks, including carrying CIA officials to meet with foreign counterparts and moving U.S. intelligence officers and paramilitary units around the world on short notice.

Records show that the 65 aircraft in total logged at least 19,494 flights since Sept. 11, 2001, or about a dozen a day. But only a tiny percentage of those flights is likely to have involved renditions. In 2002, then-CIA Director George Tenet said there had been only about 70 CIA renditions. Earlier last year, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazief told the Tribune that 60 to 70 suspected terrorists had been rendered to Egypt alone.

Published estimates attributed to unnamed sources put the total number of renditions since Sept. 11 at 100 to 120, with some suspects known to have been deposited in Syria, Jordan and Morocco.

For transporting suspects the CIA typically uses a specially outfitted Boeing 737 or smaller executive jets, most with relatively limited range. Following a trans-Atlantic crossing such planes usually need to refuel at the earliest opportunity. The same is true for planes returning to the U.S. from Europe and the Middle East.

Flight records show numerous landings at traditional fuel stops at Shannon, Ireland, in Portugal, and in Scotland, where human-rights campaigners recently staged protests at the Edinburgh, Glasgow and Prestwick airports.

The flight records contain no indication of what those planes were carrying.

See Chicago Tribune plus year-in plus tactics spread

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