Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Bagram trials began June 1?

On June 1, a detainee will stand with a lawyer and plead his case in front of an Afghan judge, said Brig. Gen. Mark Martins, the deputy commander for detention operations.in official detention facility in Parwan, a new prison recently opened at the edge of Bagram Air Base. A January 2011 deadline to hand over the facility has been pushed back, Martins said. The hope now is to transfer some of the holding cells to Afghan control by the end of the year and complete the rest by early 2012.

Fadi al-Maqalah, detainee, et al. v Gates USAppDC 09-5265:

The appellate court ruled that there was no right to federal court review for the detainees, who say they were captured outside of Afghanistan, far from any battlefield, and then shipped to Bagram to be held indefinitely in harsh conditions.

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